Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 8)

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 8)
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Scene 14 - Back in the old Mrs. Carter's Pie Shop

Swenson Christopher: [sings] I have sailed the world beheld its wonders From the Dardanelles to the Mountains of Peru, But there's No Place Like London! [speaks] Mrs. Carter, tell me, what happened to my wife?
Mrs. Carter: [sings]There was this Durpin, you see
Wanted her like mad
Every day hed send her a flower
But did she come down from her tower?
Sat up there and sobbed by the hour
Poor fool
Ah, but there was worse yet to come, poor thing
The Beadle calls on her, all polite
Poor thing, poor thing
The Durpin, he tells her, is all contrite
He blames himself for her dreadful plight
She must come straight to his house tonight!
Of course, when she goes there
Poor thing, poor thing
They're havin' this ball all in masks
There's no one she knows there
Poor dear, poor thing
She wanders, tormented and drinks
Poor thing
The judge has repented, she thinks
Poor thing
Oh, where is Durpin? she asks
He was there, alright
Only not so contrite!
She wasn't no match for such craft, you see
And everyone thought it so droll
They figured she had to be daft, you see
So all of em stood there and laughed, you see
Poor thing! Poor thing!

Swenson Christopher: NOOOO! Would no one have mercy on her?!