Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 5)

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 5)
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Scene 9 - Mrs. Carter's Pie Shop

Mrs. Carter: Oh my god! Are you Benjamin Parker?
Swenson Christopher: No longer, lady. He is Swenson Christopher, and he seeks for revenge?
Mrs. Carter: Follow me.

[Mrs. Carter led Swenson to the small unrented room above.]

Mrs. Carter: Revenge has called upon us, Mr. Christopher.
Swenson Christopher: [sings] There's a hole in the world like a great black pit, / And the vermin of the world inhabit it, / And its morals aren't worth what a pig could spit, / And it goes by the name of London. At the top of the hole sit a privileged few / Making mock of the vermin of the lower zoo. Turning beauty into filth and greed.
Mrs. Carter: [sings] Save a lot of graves, does a lot of relatives favors.
Swenson Christopher: Are those below serving those up above.
Mrs. Carter: Everybody shaves, so there should be plenty of flavors.
Swenson Christopher: How gratifying for once to know...
Swenson Christopher, Mrs. Carter: That those above will serve those down below!
Swenson Christopher: Thanks a lot, lady.
Mrs. Carter: Mrs.Helena Carter.
Swenson Christopher: Mrs. Carter then, I need some silence. I hope that you are able to serve your customer who is waiting for you below.
Mrs. Carter: So, I shall make my move first, Mr. Christopher.
Swenson Christopher: I won't be coming down again tonight.
Mrs. Carter: However, I have something to show you. It is something that every barber needs.