Sunday, August 23, 2009

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 6)

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 6)
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Scene 10 - Old hut of Durpin with Johanna

Durpin: [sings]You see sir a man infatued with love.
Her ardent and eager slave.
So fetch the pomade and pumice stone,
and lend me a more seductive tone,
a sprinkling perhaps of French cologne
but first sir I think a shave.

Pretty women
Sipping coffee,
Pretty women
Are a wonder.
Pretty women!

Sitting in the window or
Standing on the stair
Something in them chills the air.
Pretty women

Oh, pretty women...
Oh, pretty women...

Shouldn't be killed...

Oh, pretty women...

Scene 11 - Mrs Carter's Pie Shop

[Swenson Christopher was alone in the shop. Holding onto a blade, he began to sang:]

Swenson Christopher: [sings while examining his blade] These are my friends
See how they glisten
See this one shine
How he smiles in the light
My friend
My faithful friend

Speak to me, friend
Whisper - I'll listen
I know, I know
You've been locked out of sight all these years
Like me, my friend

Well I've come home
To find you waiting
Home - and we're together
And we'll do wonders
Won't we

You there, my friend,
My lucky friends...

Swenson Christopher: [stops singing] Alas! My arm is complete again!