Sunday, September 6, 2009

Drama - Together Hands I (Ep 3)

Drama – Together Hands (Ep 3)
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Scene 5 – Lantern Shop

[An Qi came to an old Lantern Shop.]

An Qi: Po po! Po po!

[In one corner, the grandmother, Tao Jian Hong, limped towards her granddaughter. She was dressed neatly in comfortable sacks and a white blouse. Her sliver – grey hair was combed back into a bun.]

An Qi: Po po!
Jian Hong: My lovely granddaughter, how are you?
An Qi: I am fine… I am doing well in Canada.
Jian Hong: That is great…
An Qi: Po po, why are you limping?
Jian Hong: That day, when I went to the market, I slipped onto the floor. Fortunately, there was a kind young man who helped me up.
An Qi: Did you visit the therapist?
Jian Hong: Why waste such precious money? It is not necessary…
An Qi: No Po po! Come, I shall bring you to the therapist.
Jian Hong: I have applied some medicated oil already. You should bring me to take a look at your boyfriend.
An Qi: Who says that he is my boyfriend?
Jian Hong: You can’t hide anything from me, dear.
An Qi: I swear that he is really not my cup of tea! He is so ugly.
Jian Hong: Ha ha… Now, the youngsters get to choose their love. We are not so fortunate. We are forced to marry someone, no matter what. So, we can’t tell our elders that the person I am going to marry is not my cup of tea.
An Qi: They are so cruel! They did not spare a thought about the bride.
Jian Hong: No… This is our customs, my dear. However, nobody practice it nowadays. If I have a chance, I wish I am as young and as pretty as you.
An Qi: Oh Po po, I am sure you are far more prettier than me.
Jian Hong: Ha ha ha!
An Qi: Po po, my father says you used to tell him about your past… He said that you are…
Jian Hong: My dear child, you want to hear my story?
An Qi: Yes! Yes!
Jian Hong: Well, but first, introduce him to me…
An Qi: Po po!
Jian Hong: Come on…