Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 9)

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 8)
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 9)

Scene 15 – Mrs. Carter’s Pie Shop

Swenson Christopher: [When staring outside the window, he spotted his old friend - Durpin] It’s him?!

[He examined his blade on his palm.]

[Then, Durpin knocked the door of the demon barber’s shop.]

Swenson Christopher:
What can I do for you today sir?
Stylish trimming of the hair?
Soothing skin massage.
Sit sir , Sit.

You see sir a man infatued with love.
Her ardent and eager slave.
So fetch the pomade and pumice stone,
and lend me a more seductive tone,
a sprinkling perhaps of French cologne
but first sir I think a shave.

Swenson Christopher:
The closest I ever gave

In a merry mood today Mr. C?

Swenson Christopher:
Tis your delight sir catching fire from one man to the next.

Tis true sir love can still inspire the blood to pound,
the heart leap higher. What more
What more can man require?

Than love sir

Swenson Christopher:
What can I do for you today sir?
Stylish trimming of the hair?
Soothing skin massage.
Sit sir , Sit.

You see sir a man infatued with love.
Her ardent and eager slave.
So fetch the pomade and pumice stone,
and lend me a more seductive tone,
a sprinkling perhaps of French cologne
but first sir I think a shave.

Swenson Christopher :
The closest I ever gave