Monday, August 31, 2009

Drama - James In Wonderland (Ep 3)

Drama – James in Wonderland (Ep 3)

Written by: Lee Meng Hon

Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Scene 2b – The Magnificent Room

Mad Hatter: Nice to meet you, boy. People call me the Mad Hatter.

James: I am James Harford. How do I go home then? Do you have any idea?

Mad Hatter: Normally, when humans from Earth come to this place, they always have a task to complete in order to return home.

James: Mr. Hatter, do you know what task am I suppose to complete?

Mad Hatter: Follow me.

Scene 3 – The King’s Palace (Entrance)

Mad Hatter: James, this is The King’s Palace. This is where you will meet the king and he will tell you what to do. Go in…

James: Can you follow me?

Mad Hatter: I am so sorry, dear. This is all I can do. No worries, I will be waiting for you.

Scene 4 – The King’s Palace (Main Hall)

James: [approached a soldier] Hi Soldier, I would like to see the king of this place. I am from Earth.

Soldier: Go straight, turn left, turn right, turn left, then right, then left, then left, the right, the left and right and right and left and left right!

James: I beg your pardon… Can you please lead me there?

Soldier: Break time…

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Drama - James In Wonderland (Ep 2)

James in Wonderland (Ep 2)
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Scene 2 – The Magnificent Grand Room

[He was the Mad Hatter. He wore a tail coat made of beautiful plum-colored velvet. His trousers were bottle green, and his gloves were pearly grey. And in one hand, he carried a fine gold-topped walking cane. Covering his chin, there was a small, neat, pointed beard – a goatee. And his eyes were most marvelously bright. They seemed to be sparkling at twinkling all the time.]

[Frightened, the innocent kid hid himself in between the shelves, where there was storage space.]

Mad Hatter: [sniffs] Hmm, I smell human…

[James shivered. And the Mad Hatter sensed that… and he followed the direction and was astonished to see the young boy.]

Mad Hatter: Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
James: Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Mad Hatter: What are you doing in my room?! Where are you from? [Agitated]

[James stared at the ceiling, and replied -]

James: There!
[The Mad Hatter began to know the whole incident. He smiled, and placed his arms on James’ shoulder and answered, smiling -]

Mad Hatter: There? Okay, so, sweetheart, do you know where you are?
James: Can you please tell me where am I now? So at least I can find my way home using the directory.
Mad Hatter: This is a place… Like no place on Earth…A land full of wonder, mystery, and danger… Some say to survive it; you must be as mad as a hatter. [Put on the hat as mentioned] Which luckily I am.

Drama - James In Wonderland (Ep 1)

James in Wonderland (Ep 1)
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Scene 1 – Busy Streets of New York, 2009

[A policeman was chasing after a 5 year old young boy, James Harford. Wearing a brownish suit, he ran as fast as his legs could carry him and deep into the woods. After running for half an hour, he noticed a deep hole in the ground. As he was too tired to run, he decided to take cover underneath.]

[As he bent forward, he dropped all the way deep down into the whole. That was when he realized he was in deep trouble.]

James Harford: Ah!

Scene 2 – Magical Land

[Thud! James landed in a soft surface.]

James: [thought] Where am I? Am I still in New York?

[He was all alone in an enormous and huge room. When he looked up, he did not see the sky. The room had almost twenty bookshelves, with each at a height of 20 meters and width of 10 meters.]

[Then, as James looked around the room, he noticed a huge circle hat placed on a stand. The hat was black in colour and had a diameter of 2 meters.]

[When little James was about to grip the hat, the doors of the room opened and a tall figure was seen…]

Friday, August 28, 2009

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 13) Finale!

Drama – Swenson Christopher (Ep 13) Finale!
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Scene 15d – Mrs. Carter’s Pie Shop

Mrs. Carter: I loved him the moment I met him.
Durpin: Johanna is now my accomplice and your man is being – tricked.
Mrs. Carter: You heartless wretch!
Durpin: [pushes Mrs. Carter into an enormous oven used to bake pies for the shop] Have fun!

[Afterwhich, I escaped from Mrs. Carter’s Pie Shop and fled for his life. He had left London.]

Scene 16 - Durpin’s apartment

[Swenson opened the door with the key and smiled-]

Swenson Christopher: Johanna… Daddy’s here… Johanna…

[However, there was no reply. He entered the house quietly and found the dead body of Mrs. Flourish.]

Swenson Christopher: [sings softly] There was a barber and his wife, and she was beautiful… A foolish barber and his wife… she was his reason and his life… and she was beautiful… and she was virtuous, and he was… naïve…

[Then, Johanna was right behind Swenson, holding on to a shiny glittering blade and muttered to her -]

Johanna: I am so sorry, father. I am forced to do this. This was Mum’s order ten years ago. Maybe in our after life, we will become a happy family again. Together… Happily N Ever After… Like what we read from fairytales… [Certain pause] Daddy… Mamma… I love you…

************************************************************************************** THE END***********

Homework!!! 28th august

Omg alot homework for the 4 day holidays >.<

Maths : Do page 7 question 1 , 5, 6, 7, 8

English : Those who have not hand up the police report corrections and summary for grandfather
s lunch please hand up on MONDAY

Science : Do the unit 6.1 worksheet hand up on MONDAY

Geography : Do the chapter 26 worksheet due on Monday

Chinese : Do the compo on unforgettable incident

Posted by,
Cheow Fu

Dnt : Odd group , please do the image board TY

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 12)

Drama – Swenson Christopher (Ep 12) 2nd final episode
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Scene 15b – Mrs. Carter’s pie shop

Durpin: I believe I came at the wrong time, haven’t I?
Swenson Christopher: Hi, Judge Durpin. How have you been?
Durpin: Benjamin Parker?
Swenson Christopher: You are still with Mrs. Flourish?
Durpin: I am so sorry, Swenson. I know that I am supposed to be killed by you. And in fact, I am feeling guilty. I can never forgive myself…

[Durpin fished out a greasy key from his inner pocket of the suit he was wearing.]

Durpin: Here is the key to free your daughter in my house! Go now!

[As Swenson knew that Durpin was apologetic, he dropped him to Mrs. Carter’s pie shop below.]

Swenson Christopher: Johanna… Father’s goanna save you…

[A tear drop rolled down his cheeks…]

Swenson Christopher: Johanna… Johanna… Johanna… No matter whether he is lying to me or not, I know that this key… leads me to you…

Scene 15c – Mrs. Carter’s Pie Shop

Mrs. Carter: [when she sees Durpin and she bursts into tears] I am so sorry, Durpin… I am no longer your accomplice… for I had… fallen in love with Mr. Christopher. I love him… I can’t do it… I love him too much… He is the reason for my life…

For the final episode (Ep 13), it will be published online on Friday, 7.00pm sharp!

Upcoming Drama: Inspector GP
This September blockbuster drama consists of 20 episodes and will be published online on Saturday, 5.30pm sharp!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 11)

Drama – Swenson Christopher (Ep 11) 3rd final episode
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

(As continued from Episode 10)

Swenson Christopher (sing):
Pretty women
Sipping coffee,
Pretty women
Are a wonder.
Pretty women!

Sitting in the window or
Standing on the stair
Something in them chills the air.
Pretty women


Swenson Christopher:
Stay within you,


Swenson Christopher:
Stay forever,

Judge Turpin:
Breathing lightly...

Swenson Christopher:
Pretty women,

Durpin and Swenson Christopher (together and alternating):
Pretty women!

Blowing out their candles or
Combing out their hair,
Combing out their hair then they leave
Even when they leave you and vainish they somehow can still can remain there with you
Even when they leave
They still are there.
They're there
Ah! Pretty women,

Swenson Christopher
At their mirrors,

In their gardens,

Swenson Christopher:


Swenson Christopher:

Swenson Christopher and Durpin:
How they make a man sing!
Proof of heaven as you're living,
Pretty women! Sir, pretty women!
Yes pretty women,
Pretty women,
Pretty women,
Pretty women

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 10)

Drama – Swenson Christopher (Ep 10)
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

(As continued from Episode 9)

Than love sir

Swenson Christopher:
More than love sir

What sir?

Swenson Christopher:

Ah yes women

Swenson Christopher:
Pretty women.


(singing to his barber blade)
Now then my friend.
Now to your purpose.
Patience. Enjoy it.
Revenge can't be taken in haste.

Make haste and in this work you'll be commended sir

Swenson Christopher:
My lord!
And who may it be said is your intended sir?

My ward
Pretty as a rose bud

Swenson Christopher:
Pretty as her mother?

Huh? What was that?

Swenson Christopher (spoken):
Nothing sir. Nothing.
May we proceed?

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 9)

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 8)
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 9)

Scene 15 – Mrs. Carter’s Pie Shop

Swenson Christopher: [When staring outside the window, he spotted his old friend - Durpin] It’s him?!

[He examined his blade on his palm.]

[Then, Durpin knocked the door of the demon barber’s shop.]

Swenson Christopher:
What can I do for you today sir?
Stylish trimming of the hair?
Soothing skin massage.
Sit sir , Sit.

You see sir a man infatued with love.
Her ardent and eager slave.
So fetch the pomade and pumice stone,
and lend me a more seductive tone,
a sprinkling perhaps of French cologne
but first sir I think a shave.

Swenson Christopher:
The closest I ever gave

In a merry mood today Mr. C?

Swenson Christopher:
Tis your delight sir catching fire from one man to the next.

Tis true sir love can still inspire the blood to pound,
the heart leap higher. What more
What more can man require?

Than love sir

Swenson Christopher:
What can I do for you today sir?
Stylish trimming of the hair?
Soothing skin massage.
Sit sir , Sit.

You see sir a man infatued with love.
Her ardent and eager slave.
So fetch the pomade and pumice stone,
and lend me a more seductive tone,
a sprinkling perhaps of French cologne
but first sir I think a shave.

Swenson Christopher :
The closest I ever gave

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 8)

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 8)
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Scene 14 - Back in the old Mrs. Carter's Pie Shop

Swenson Christopher: [sings] I have sailed the world beheld its wonders From the Dardanelles to the Mountains of Peru, But there's No Place Like London! [speaks] Mrs. Carter, tell me, what happened to my wife?
Mrs. Carter: [sings]There was this Durpin, you see
Wanted her like mad
Every day hed send her a flower
But did she come down from her tower?
Sat up there and sobbed by the hour
Poor fool
Ah, but there was worse yet to come, poor thing
The Beadle calls on her, all polite
Poor thing, poor thing
The Durpin, he tells her, is all contrite
He blames himself for her dreadful plight
She must come straight to his house tonight!
Of course, when she goes there
Poor thing, poor thing
They're havin' this ball all in masks
There's no one she knows there
Poor dear, poor thing
She wanders, tormented and drinks
Poor thing
The judge has repented, she thinks
Poor thing
Oh, where is Durpin? she asks
He was there, alright
Only not so contrite!
She wasn't no match for such craft, you see
And everyone thought it so droll
They figured she had to be daft, you see
So all of em stood there and laughed, you see
Poor thing! Poor thing!

Swenson Christopher: NOOOO! Would no one have mercy on her?!

Homework!!! 24th AUGUST

haha basically today we just need to do the questions mrs lee told us to do in maths exercise 13 and bring geography workbook tomorrow. Also for those who have not hand in the form with your parent's signature please remember to do so tomorrow. Anyways the members of the comittee please attend the meeting that will be hosted by xavier tomorrow 3.30 to 4.30 in the canteen TY

Yours cruely,
Cheow Fu

Monday, August 24, 2009

HOMEWORK!!! 23rd Aug

Do english summary and hand up tomorrow ( 24 aug )Remember to sign the form for the talk! Also , there will be a practical exam tomorrow in science lab reg 1-20 go sci lab 1 register 21-40 go sci lab 2. Also for those who haven't complete the class work during maths do maths textbook exercise 13 , pg 95 , do the few questions that mrs lee selected for us to do ok?

Posted by ,
Cheow Fu Your humble short classmate

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 7)

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 7)
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

(May contain some vulgar language.)

Scene 12 - Old hut of Durpin with Johanna

Durpin: My beautiful lady... Are you waiting eagerly to be free, and roam the world?
Johanna: Where's my father? Mum promised that he will come and rescue me from your evil clutches!
Durpin: Is that true? Heh , I am afraid not. Pretty women! Oh, pretty women!
Johanna: Where's my father?
Durpin: Benjamin Parker, that useless wretch? He is now in the cell...
Johanna: My father is a great man!
Durpin: You were still young that time. How sure are you that your father is a great man?
Johanna: Even though I was young during then, I knew how my mother died in your hands!
Durpin: Miss Flourish was the real muderer.
Johanna: Revenge!

Scene 13 - Mrs. Carter's Pie Shop

Mrs. Carter: Sweetheart, care for going out for a dinner? My treat!
Swenson Christopher: My pleasure.

[As they left for dinner, Mrs. Carter began singing merrily:]

Mrs. Carter: [sings]
Ooh, Mr. C! (kisses Swenson)
I'm so happy! (kisses Swenson)
I could (kisses Swenson)
Eat you up, I really could!
You know what I'd like to do, Mr. C? (kisses Swenson)
What I dream (kisses Swenson)
If the business stays as good?
Where I'd really like to go?
In a year or so?
Don't you want to know?

Swenson Christopher: Of course.

Mrs. Carter:
By the sea, Mr. C, that's the life I covet,
By the sea, Mr. C, ooh, I know you'd love it!
You and me, Mr. C, we could be alone
In a house what we'd almost own,
Down by the sea!

Swenson Christopher:
Anything you say

Mrs. Carter:
Wouldn't that be smashing?

Think how snug it'll be underneath our flannel
When it's just you and me and the English Channel!
In our cozy retreat kept all neat and tidy,
We'll have chums over ev'ry Friday!
By the sea!
Don'tcha love the weather?
By the sea!
We'll grow old together!
By the seaside,
By the beautiful sea!

It'll be so quiet,
That who'll come by it,
Except a seagull
Hoo, hoo!
We shouldn't try it,
Though, 'til it's legal for two-hoo!
But a seaside wedding could be devised,
Me rumpled bedding legitimized!
Me eyelids'll flutter,
I'll turn into butter,
The moment I mutter I do-hoo!

Down by the sea,
Married nice and proper
By the sea
Bring along your chopper
To the seaside hoo hoo!
By the beautiful sea!


Do english summary and hand up tomorrow ( 24 aug )Remember to sign the form for the talk! Also , there will be a practical exam tomorrow in science lab reg 1-20 go sci lab 1 register 21-40 go sci lab 2. Also for those who haven't complete the class work during maths do maths textbook exercise 13 , pg 95 , do the few questions that mrs lee selected for us to do ok?

Posted by ,
Cheow Fu Your humble short classmate

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 6)

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 6)
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Scene 10 - Old hut of Durpin with Johanna

Durpin: [sings]You see sir a man infatued with love.
Her ardent and eager slave.
So fetch the pomade and pumice stone,
and lend me a more seductive tone,
a sprinkling perhaps of French cologne
but first sir I think a shave.

Pretty women
Sipping coffee,
Pretty women
Are a wonder.
Pretty women!

Sitting in the window or
Standing on the stair
Something in them chills the air.
Pretty women

Oh, pretty women...
Oh, pretty women...

Shouldn't be killed...

Oh, pretty women...

Scene 11 - Mrs Carter's Pie Shop

[Swenson Christopher was alone in the shop. Holding onto a blade, he began to sang:]

Swenson Christopher: [sings while examining his blade] These are my friends
See how they glisten
See this one shine
How he smiles in the light
My friend
My faithful friend

Speak to me, friend
Whisper - I'll listen
I know, I know
You've been locked out of sight all these years
Like me, my friend

Well I've come home
To find you waiting
Home - and we're together
And we'll do wonders
Won't we

You there, my friend,
My lucky friends...

Swenson Christopher: [stops singing] Alas! My arm is complete again!


Please bring your thermometers tomorrow, thank you. There is also a English ( on Thursday-maybe ) and a Maths ( on Monday ) common test.

Posted by

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 5)

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 5)
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Scene 9 - Mrs. Carter's Pie Shop

Mrs. Carter: Oh my god! Are you Benjamin Parker?
Swenson Christopher: No longer, lady. He is Swenson Christopher, and he seeks for revenge?
Mrs. Carter: Follow me.

[Mrs. Carter led Swenson to the small unrented room above.]

Mrs. Carter: Revenge has called upon us, Mr. Christopher.
Swenson Christopher: [sings] There's a hole in the world like a great black pit, / And the vermin of the world inhabit it, / And its morals aren't worth what a pig could spit, / And it goes by the name of London. At the top of the hole sit a privileged few / Making mock of the vermin of the lower zoo. Turning beauty into filth and greed.
Mrs. Carter: [sings] Save a lot of graves, does a lot of relatives favors.
Swenson Christopher: Are those below serving those up above.
Mrs. Carter: Everybody shaves, so there should be plenty of flavors.
Swenson Christopher: How gratifying for once to know...
Swenson Christopher, Mrs. Carter: That those above will serve those down below!
Swenson Christopher: Thanks a lot, lady.
Mrs. Carter: Mrs.Helena Carter.
Swenson Christopher: Mrs. Carter then, I need some silence. I hope that you are able to serve your customer who is waiting for you below.
Mrs. Carter: So, I shall make my move first, Mr. Christopher.
Swenson Christopher: I won't be coming down again tonight.
Mrs. Carter: However, I have something to show you. It is something that every barber needs.

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 4)

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 4)
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Scene 8 - Busy city of London, Fleet Street (Near River Thames' in the early 19th century )

[Swenson Christopher walked the busy streets and came across a small little shop, "Mrs.Carter's Pie Shop".He entered the small and dark shop. He got a shock when a lady, wearing a dress, approached him. Her hair was dyed crystal blue. She was none other than Mrs. Carter.]

Mrs. Carter: A customer
[starts singing]
Mrs. Carter: Wait! What's your rush? / What's your hurry? / You gave me such a... / Fright. I thought you was a ghost. / Half a minute, can'tcha? / Sit! Sit you down! Sit! / All I meant is that I / Haven't seen a customer for weeks. / Did you come in for a pie, sir? / Do forgive me if me head's a little vague... / What is that? / But you'd think we had the plague... / From the way people... / Keep avoiding... / No you don't! / Heaven knows I try, sir! / But there's no one comes in even to inhale... / Right you are, sir. Would you like a drop of ale? / Mind you, I can't hardly blame them.

Swenson Christopher: Erm, lady... Can I ask you a question?
Mrs. Carter: Shoot.
Swenson Christopher: Have you ever heard of this man called 'Benjamin Parker'?
Mrs. Carter: Him?
[starts singing]
Mrs. Carter: He had this wife, you see, / Pretty little thing. / Silly little nit / Had her chance for the moon on a string... / Poor thing. Poor thing. / There was this Judge, you see, / Wanted her like mad. / Every day he'd send her a flower, / But did she come down from her tower? / Sat up there and sobbed by the hour, / Poor fool. / Ah, but there was worse yet to come... / Poor thing.

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 3)

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 3)
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

(May contain some vulgar language)

Scene 5 - In the other room in which Johanna was in

[Johanna was tied to her chair, and she was unable to escape from the cluthes of Mrs. Flourish and her husband.]

Johanna: Father... Please... help me...

Scene 6 - In the room in which Durpin and Mrs. Flourish were

Mrs. Flourish: What do you want to do with that idiotic child?

Durpin: Kill her when the story is over. Anyway, it is the beginning of the end.

Scene 7 - Onboard Black Mist

Swenson Christopher: [sung] There was a barber and his wife, / And she was beautiful. / A foolish barber and his wife. / She was his reason and his life, / And she was beautiful. / And she was virtuous. / And he was... naive. / There was another man who saw / That she was beautiful, / A pious vulture of the law, / Who with a gesture of his claw / Removed the barber from his plate. / Then there was nothing but to wait / And she would fall, / So soft, / So young, / So lost, / And oh, so beautiful...Oh, that was many years ago... / I doubt if anyone would know...

[Swenson sang as he alighted the Black Mist.]
[He was seeking for revenge...]

Swenson Christopher: Never forgive... Never forget...

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Pls remember to bring your thermometers tomorrow as there is a temperature taking and submit your Geography homework to either columbus or me. Thanks a lot.
Posted by

Friday, August 14, 2009

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 2)

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 2)
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by:Wong Cheow Fu

Scene 2 - Black Mist

Swenson Christopher: [sung] They all deserve to die. Tell you why, Mrs. Flourish, tell you why! Because in all of the whole human race, Mrs. Flourish, there are two kinds of men and only two. There's the one staying put in his proper place and one with his foot in the other one's face. Look at me! Look at you! No, we all deserve to die... Even you, Mrs Flourish, even I! Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief. For the rest of us death will be a relief. We all deserve to die... And I'll never see Johanna, no I'll never hug my girl to me... FINISHED!*

Swenson Christopher then ran as fast as his legs could carry to the cabin and he moved his ship out of the harbour.]

Swenson Christopher: [singing about razors] These are my friends. / See how they glisten. / See this one shine, / How he smiles in the light. / My friend, my faithful friend. / Speak to me, friend. / Whisper, I'll listen. / I know, I know- / You've been locked out of sight all these years- / Like me, my friend. / Well, I've come home / To find you waiting. / Home, and we're together, / And we'll do wonders, won't we?

Scene 3 - Old hut

[Mrs Floursih was sitting on an old arm chair in a cozy room. Her husband, Drupin walked into the room and said:]

Drupin: Having a fun time?

[He smiled evily and lifted his hands, saying:]

Durpin: I surrender...

Scene 4 - In another room of the old hut

[Johanna was tied to a chair. She tried to struggled to escape, but to no avail.]

Johanna: [thought] Father...

*Adapted from

Who is Drupin and Johanna? Who's her father? Why is she being kidnapped by Mrs Flourish and Durpin? Catch the next episode to find out.

credits go to Haikal for most of the pictures or all the pictures, keep it up :) .

Columbus fong

Cool Songs

May I know who put the songs up? nGot Doubt and trust but no Blue bird sad. Let me guess the one who put these songs must be a D gray man fan likke but not naruto Fan not my style lols.





I want to change the URL can? i need answers, my suggestion

CAN? PLS sign off with ur name on every post.



Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 1)

Drama - Swenson Christopher (Ep 1)

I have created a new drama, Swenson Christopher.
This drama serial consits of 13 episodes.
Genre: Romance/ Violence
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Scene 1 - Night. Harbour. 1897.

[A young teenager, dressed with a apple green suit, was walking toward the Black Mist.]

Teenager: Hello? Anyone?

[In a sudden, a middle-aged man, with a pistol in his pocket approached the teen.]

Middle-aged man: Yes, my son?
Teenager: Hi... [ a little shocked] My name is Heldford. Are you Swenson Christopher?
Middle-aged man, Swenson Christopher: [nodded] Follow me.

[Swenson brought Heldford onboard the Black Mist.]

Teenager, Heldford: Are you the ex-criminal?
Swenson Christopher: And you are looking for me with a purporse?
Heldford: I am only a messenger. I would like to warn you that what lies ahead... is danger and betrayal.
Swenson Christopher: Who was that who gave you that message?
Heldford: He Who Must Not Be Named. Perhaps somebody... you are...
Swenson Christopher: Betrayer!

[Swenson turned around and shot him with the pistol.]
[Then, he used a thick golden rope to tie around the corpse and tossed him down to the sea.]

Swenson Christopher: He Who Must Not Be Named?! [after a second thought] Or is it... him?
Who is Swenson Christopher? Who is the He Who Must Not Be Named?
Catch the next episode to find out!:)

14th august 2009 the homework piles up

Homework =.= some people are sick of this post i know but no matter what this is last minute resort when you forget your homework.
1. Do english volcab list and 120 word summary of the main points in the article hand up on monday
2. Do maths 4 , 8 , 9 and 10 hand up on monday
3. Do chinese book review hand up on wednesday
4. Do geography worksheet hand up on monday also start filing the black file.

Bests wishes,
Cheow Fu


Erm... ya me Joel again. I have also added certain blogs from classmates so if you want to share your blog pls ask someone who has access to the blog.


Hey! Joel here... just to let you know i added a playlist and no i did not delete the slideshow or change the theme. Note: The playlist contains the newest songs, MJ's songs and D.gray-man openings. If you want any other song, Pls inform me...

U WerE alWayS ThErE 4 mE

When tears fell from mine eyes,
you were there to brush them away.
When i was lost in confusion,
you were there to say all will be ok.
When i stood before you tearing apart,
you were there to lend your heart.
When i felt no one could understand,
you were there to take mine hand.
When no one eles was left to care,
LOOK >>>>>>>>>

Always me,
Melanie Tham

OH! Give me a break!! I had enough of Homework announcments......

Don worry! The sept hoildays are approaching, oh i jus cant wait......

Y always homework,
Melanie Tham

Ndp slideshow

please download adobe flash player 10 and install it if you want to see the ndp slideshow thanks :)
By :cheowfu

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Yo everybody . I jus wanna remind you... for the odd group do the two dnt worksheets and those who never bring form please bring! And tomorrow is friday so we must bring our best friends to school ( the thermometer ). Man... this week sure got alot of homework >.<

Posted by :
Cheowfu the failure

To add on, pls bring ur best friend which is ur thermometer tomorrow as there is temperature taking tmr. Also pls hand in the form in which is' Setting Limits And Boundaries ' form if u have not hand in to me. thx alot.

With Regards,

:Home Work Of the DAY

Today's Menu a rather short 1.

Geography: Pls do you corrections for your MCQ for the common test. 3 times each for question and awnser.

Chinese: journey to the west book cover design and review. Revise for common test.

science: fold the filter paper

El: search the difficult words for the set of articles. Find the meaning too. For those who need internet dictionary you can go to it is safe not virus.



Duty roster

I am making a duty roster requested by Ms Tan and i would like to take this importunity to tell who are the ones that need to do.

Sweepers: 4 boys
( Help sweep the classroom during recess, before or after school.)

Kee Hao
Chen yong

White board cleaners: 1 boy 1 girl
Qian yi
Jia Le

if you have any duty to add on or any comment pls email me to
i will consider and i will be making this at about 6pm.



Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Homework of the day 12th august

Please do homework , do geography workbook application 15.Also do the english article homework all articles find hard words in the articles and make a volcab list with them also find out the meaning of each word and put them on the volcab list.For Chinese students please find out the action/expression or feeling in paragraph 5 and 6 in the chinese model compo. Also sign the "setting limits and boundaries" form and hand up tomorrow.

Posted by,

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


since xavier has humiliated me by posting that post below i shall explain it in DETAILS. first of all , go to then make an account there after you make an account upload the photos when they are all complete upload them into the album after that if you can find the slideshow button just click it and get the code i think the button is on the upper left corner of the album page

Have a hard time uploading your photos!

*laughs evily*


P.S After that go to gadgets or configure and press html then just copy and paste the slideshow code into it and publish its that simple!

Have a harder time brainracking

Awnser to enlighten Ms Tan

Go photobucket
Cheowfu says:

hello says:
click on get yours

hello says:
then make account

hello says:
make 1 album
Cheowfu says:
upload to 1 album
hello says:
get slideshow code
Cheowfu says:
then at the album page
hello says:

A conversasion be me and cheow fu
P.S i hope you don't mind the post being informal as informal to teacher is rude said by cheow fu and may that conversation help you.


Recycling Project

Thursday will be your judging. Please spend tomorrow to decorate up the classroom.

Ladies: Please put up our flowers and cow - stuff it with newspaper strips etc

Joel's group: Tidy up your sofa neatly

Xavier's group: I still want you all to put up your table. Do what you can.

Haikal's group: Get the shoe rack up

Qian Yi's group: Put up the TV nicely

Jia Le's group: Put up the curtain.

All to clear up the classroom nicely. Anyway, cheow fu, how do i post up the photos?

Ms Tan

Edited by cheowfu for the shoe rack spelling mistake

加 油 for those who are doing project work

We presenting our recycling project work this thursday, pls hurry up and put on a last touch and get ready to present it. Pls remember to clean up the place , especially for Joel's group , after finishing the project. Hopeless for my group though, since our table cannot stand ......



Edited by Cheowfu

Monday, August 10, 2009

Drama - Prince Merlin and his adventures (Ep 4)

Prince Merlin and his adventures - Ep 2
Written by: Lee Meng Hon
Edited by: Wong Cheow Fu

Scene 2 - New York

[In the busy city of New York, three teenagers, Jason, Ken and Edmund, were sitting at the edge of a small little pond. They were admiring the fishes.]

Ken: Look at the goldfishes! Aren't they free?
Edmund: Indeed. I wish that I am one of those goldfishes.
Jason: I know that it is stressful... However, we have to face it. We can't escape. The fishes are not free. Look at the one over there! Look carefully. If you realise, this fish has been swimming around the pond in circles. It is just like a parrot trapped in a cage.
Edmund: However, they have no stress at all.
Jason: Yes, they do! They have trouble looking for food.
Ken: Jason's right. And - Eh, where's Edmund?
Jason: Look, I feel as if there is some sort of magnetic force pulling me.
Ken: Me too... WHAT IS HAPPENING?!

[Then, the both of them fell into the pond with a big splash.]

What happened to the three boys? Catch the next episode to find out!
Meng Hon (1A)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pls specifically put ur name down

Dear 1A students,

Pls put down ur name so we could track or notify u if put had put something wrong or illegal. DO not i repeat DO NOT put for example "From the 1a students" it would be hard for us to notify u if u had done something wrong on the blog thx.

P.S this i sjust a gentle reminder



Friday, August 7, 2009

Do not Procrastinate

On 7th august Yi Ming was doing his chinese homework when suddenly he was invited into a mass conversation on msn...

Peter : Yo! Guys wanna play wolfteam? Then we can increase our kill death ratio and today I just earned enough money to make a class pride you guys wanna apply for the pride?
Other classmates : Sure! why not?
Yi Ming : uh... sorry but I have to finish the chinese homework tomorrow need hand up to Mrs Ong or else get demerit and detention!...
Peter : OH come on Yi Ming relax!Those homework can be completed easily even if you play wolfteam just copy from Wei Xiang The Brainy tomorrow... Come on just relax abit and play wolfteam if you play I will give you 200 free kills. How about that?

Without a second though Yi Ming said
Yi Ming : Sounds attractive! Alright I will not hesitate any further

Yi Ming logged in to wolfteam and played with his class. Even though he did not play for a long time he instantly caught up with his classmates and soon became the top killer.

Yi Ming : Hahaha! Come on guys stop playing soft against me don't think I am a noob.
His classmates immediately went all out against Yi Ming but still Yi Ming remain the top Yi Ming became insane out of killing his classmates too many times so he got addicted and played till midnight 1am.

Yi Ming was mentally exhausted so he went to sleep after he shut down his computer. But Yi Ming made a critical mistake , forgetting to set his alarm clock.

When Yi Ming woke he was already late ,when he reached the school it was already during the chinese lesson. Yi Ming failed to do his homework in time and yet was late so he was sent to the discipline master to receive his punishment which was dentention till 5pm for one week.

Having read this story , let me ask you ; Would you follow Yi Ming's footsteps?

Written and posted by Cheow Fu

Skit on "Handing Homework On Time"

In order to keep this blog alive, I've created a 'drama'. Enjoy:)

Handing Home Work On Time

[John and Nelson were talking on the phone at around 11pm.]

John: Ya lor, the wolf-game very nice leh. Want to play now?
Nelson: Now ah, don't want lah, so late liao. Why not we play tomorrow?
John: Ok lor. Hey, you know the English Homework that Ms Dhanya gave us? You got do or not?
Nelson: Alamak! Shit! I forgot leh. Never mind, tomorrow English period before or after recess?
John: I think hor... should be after.
Nelson: Wah, heng ah!Tomorrow copy answers from Hui Liang lah! He nerd nerd one lah. Everyday do a lot...
John: Are you sure it's okay? What if Ms Dhanya finds out?
Nelson: Never mind lah. Just say we discuss one lah. Easy! John, tell you something. Lives must relax one. Adults always say life very very short. So, we must make use of the time mah...
John: Sounds right hor. Eh, actually I also didnt do eh.
Nelson: It's okay lah. Eh, so deal or no deal? We go and copy the answers from Hui Liang?
John: Ok, set! Eh, I call Hui Liang first! I must reserve the paper first. If not later that Janice snatch away, then we will be in dead meat!
Nelson: Ok lah. Bye.

Are you influenced by them?

Remember to do your homework and dont make Santhyia's life difficult!

Meng Hon (1A)






The ndp roadshow photo slideshow

Anybody who doesn't want their picture in the slideshow tell me immediately by emailing me. My email is

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Homework for 6th august

Hello , Cheow Fu speaking I want to make xavier's homework post more accurate so I decided to make a new post. Ok first of all maths homework. Do Excercise 12.3 Pg 80-81 Do qn 4,8,9 and 10 also do try it 3 due date on tuesday. For chinese students , do 习字 and 作业 which is due on tuesday too , also ask your parents to fill in the chinese IME enrichment form hand up to Ms Cheng tomorrow morning and also learn the chapter 25 ting xie as you will be tested next wednesday.Do the Geography theme 3 Unit 19 worksheet too , also due on wednesday. For science , do worksheet 5.2 ( which is 2 pieces of paper with a total of 3 printed pages. ) due on wednesday. Ok thats all see you..

Regards ,
Cheow Fu

Whould u wan the colour of the blog to change ????? cuz liqian hate it and do u wan to change the URL of the blog cuz i dun think it is neutral for boys and girls. No offense here



Wednesday, August 5, 2009

NDP Celebrations

Hi All,

This is a reminder to all tikes regarding the NDP Celebrations. Our School will be organizing activites for everyone to enjoy and also, we are able to wear our home clothes to school. However, our home clothes must be with the primary colour red, and white.

Now, do any of you know what does the colours of the Singapore flag represent? Let me share with you the history of our flag.

The national flag of Singapore was first adopted in 1959, the year Singapore became self-governing within the British Empire. It was reconfirmed as the national flag when the Republic gained independence on 9 August 1965. The design is a horizontal bicolour of red above white, charged in the canton by a white crescent moon facing, toward the fly, a pentagon of five small white five-pointed stars. The elements of the flag denote a young nation on the ascendant, universal brotherhood and equality, and national ideals.

The national flag is not used as an ensign by vessels at sea. In its place, one of three derivatives of the national flag is used, depending on a vessel's status: merchant vessels and pleasure craft fly a civil ensign of red charged in white with a variant of the crescent and stars emblem in the centre; non-military government vessels such as coast guard ships fly a state ensign of blue with the national flag in the canton, charged with an eight-pointed red and white compass rose in the lower fly; and warships fly a naval ensign similar to the state ensign, but in white with a red compass rose emblem.

Rules defined by the Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Act govern the use and display of the national flag. These rules have been relaxed in order to allow citizens to fly the flag from vehicles during national holidays and from homes at any time of the year.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is important for all Singaporeans to know about our country. If you had no idea about the history for our beloved country or even Sir Stamford Raffles, you will be just like a leaf which does not know that it is part of a tree. So, do you now have a clearer idea on the history of Singapore???


Your friend,
Meng Hon

(If you hate to read books on the Singapore's history, you may watch videos as well. One very good example will be The Little Nyonya. It talks about the time where World War 2 is happening.)

Old reminder

For those who have not signed the Chinese papers pls do so and for the even numbers for DnT please DO you 4 worksheets and hand it up next week during DnT.

P.S pls always update this blog for those who always forget to do things like Deon, Jia Le Etc.


Today's homework 5th august edition

Hello forgetful souls , Cheow Fu here. If you are reading this post you probably forgetten the homework for today , no worries though I will remind you on this post. First of all is the maths graph worksheet homework... Due on tomorrow which is 6th august.Secondly , sign the science common test paper or else you have to do 3 sets of note and reflections ( which I don't think you will like but still it helps you pay more attention to the science topics ). OH yes there will be a NDP roadshow on thursday after school.On friday ( 7th of august ) Please bring snacks , drinks and also your best friend also known as the thermometer. Also you may wear a red/white shirt to school on that day or else just stick to your school uniform ( Red group pe shirt also acceptable ). Remember , do not litter in the classroom on that day or else we must do some class cleaning before we can go home ( Note. I said MUST ), we must also decorate the class on that day too so don't think you can just sit back and relax on that day.If I forget to post any homework on the blog please send me an email regarding the homework.( my email address is )

Regards ,
Cheow Fu the forgetful soul.

P.S take note of the word forgetful soul I used to describe myself

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hello All

Reminders to all that did not bring the Outing form, pls do not make Kelson's life difficult thx.

2nd reminder, for those who can use computer every day i advise you to see wats new and wats the homework of the day just in case u forget wat the homework is.

If u are free pls go to to read some news it will help u to improve your knowledge as well as keep u well informed about the things happening around us.

Also keep this blog as lively as possible Thanks!


Xavier Tan (1A)

Homework for 4th august 2009

Hello , Cheow Fu here... nobody has posted since the most recent post which was June's post , So I would like to remind you owners of the account to post more often... Anyways , there is a few homework that I had like to remind you of. First of all , the chemistry worksheet chapter 5.1 it is due tomorrow(5th august 2009) for those of you who has not passed up the worksheet yet if you do not hand in on time you will be sent to detention that was what I heard from Joshua. Secondly , the homework assigned for the students(1a) taking chinese language do a 150 words book review of the <西游记> book , the review is due on the 17th of august. The third and also the last is the 4 DnT worksheets assigned to the even group. The 4 worksheets are due on 11th of august . Please notify me if I missed out any homework , my email is

Regards , Cheow Fu.

P.S. If you can't read the words properly due to the font , highlight the words. And the blog template is changed by xavier I hold no responsibility for changing the blog's template or any other things on the blog I will only post hw reminders

Update : There is also the graph maths homework that is due tomorrow ( 5th august ) also remember to sign the chinese common test sorry for the late update.